First Data

Brand Strategy and Development

Over the past 5 years, First Data has been evolving from a payment processing company to a global payments technology solutions provider. As part of this process, they have been acquiring companies and introducing innovative commerce solutions at a rapid pace. They had a large creative firm on retainer when they first came to Atomic Wash for support on small internal projects. Our first project was a presentation that was to be given by a vice president, however, when the president saw the preview, he asked that the presentation is given to him to present. Since then, First Data ended their partnership with the other firm and established Atomic Wash as the agency of record. Today, the company continually turns to our team for help on a multitude of branding and design projects.

Related Work:

Connected Magazine

  • Internal Brand Communications
  • Critical Communications
  • Video Production
  • Product Logos & Branding
  • Product Launches
  • Product Landing Pages and Websites
  • Sales & Marketing Collateral
  • Campaign Development & Execution
  • Social Media Content & Marketing
  • Print Advertising
  • Corporate Magazine
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Creative Marketing & Advertisement Videos

Whether we’re introducing a product, building brand awareness or explaining a problem, our goal with every video we create is to tell the story in an engaging, compelling way that will inspire the viewer to take action. Every video project is unique, so our team approaches each one with a fresh perspective, while always keeping the brand identity and the intended audience at top of mind. Whether it’s intended for an audience of 20 or 2 million, we work within our client’s budgets and handle production from beginning to end in order to continually deliver videos that are relevant, memorable and effective.

Infographic Web-pages

Our expertise is in taking complicated data and translating it into high-impact, visually compelling design that offers viewers the same information in a more entertaining, understandable format.

Comprehensive Sales & Marketing Collateral & World Class Presentations.

As a large, global company, creating consistency in the quality of their presentations can be challenging. Atomic Wash has helped First Data set a new standard of expectations for both internal corporate presentations and external sales presentations. We’ve designed templates and build repositories of photography that make it easy for stakeholders to put together well-branded, compelling, highly visual presentations. We continually take a “less is more” approach, simplifying their presentations to ensure the messages are clear and resonate with the target audience. Over the course of 3 years, we’ve established ourselves as the “go-to” agency whenever the company needs a presentation that can make a big impact at an event or impress a client or prospect.